3A Devitt Way Broughton Astley, Leicestershire, LE9 6NQ

8 Kingfisher Drive Southam Warwickshire, CV47 2TT

Headaches / Migraine

Headaches 2

Headaches / Migraine

Headaches have many causes, however many originate from the neck and can be easily assessed and treated by a Chartered Physiotherapist. Medical research showed a significant reduction in the frequency of headaches after 4 sessions of physiotherapy and the benefit lasted for over one year (the point that the sufferers were re-assessed) but our experience shows patients responding well with just a couple of sessions.

Even patients diagnosed with menstrual migraines or those aggravated by dietary triggers such as wine or chocolate can be helped by physiotherapy. Medical research has shown a link between a sensitised brain stem and migraines from relatively low levels of adverse stimulation. It is like an audio speaker with the volume turned up- even a small change in diet or hormone levels can produce a migraine. 

Stiffness and tenderness of the joints at the top of the neck and under the skull  may lead to pain being referred across the back or top of the head, sometimes across the fore-head and into the ears or behind the eyes. Some patients also complain of points of tenderness on their scalp. There may also be clicking or grating heard on turning the head. In some cases there may be dizziness especially on looking up or turning the head quickly. If this is the case and you sometimes feel light-headed you should never have your neck manipulated i.e clicked.

Some physiotherapists are trained to perform acupuncture. This can also be very effective in the treatment of headaches and migraines. If you visit a Chartered Physiotherapist they will be able to give you advice on the management of the cause of the pain and not just the symptoms. 

At our clinic, after the initial assessment to rule out other possible conditions, our experienced physiotherapists will tailor your treatment to your specific needs. A Chartered Physiotherapist has an extensive tool-box of methods to utilise such as hands-on techniques (manual therapy), ultrasound, acupuncture (needle, laser or electric) and strapping/taping. Alongside any of the above treatments,  a progressive exercise program will be prescribed to help improve mobility and reduce muscle tightness. The above factors are crucial to every patient’s recovery and in avoiding recurrence of your condition.