3A Devitt Way Broughton Astley, Leicestershire, LE9 6NQ

8 Kingfisher Drive Southam Warwickshire, CV47 2TT

Physiotherapist - Led Pilates

Join us every Wednesday and Friday. Beginners and intermediate classes are available.

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Plenty of you have been to our clinic and had some core stability exercises prescribed or even a recommendation to attend a Pilates class. We have had feedback from several patients that the level can be too advanced and result in aggravation of your symptoms. Due to this and to support our patients, we are excited to launch our very own Physio-Led Pilates classes.

Physiotherapist-led Pilates offers the benefits of Pilates with the support of an experienced clinician, making it an excellent form of exercise for those returning from injury, illness, surgery or after pregnancy. In our classes you will be supported and guided by an experienced APPI trained Physiotherapist. You can attend a 1:1 session at our clinic before attending the classes if you need additional assessment. These classes will be run by Andrea Williscroft

Each class contains a maximum of 12 attendants and costs £10 for a 60 minute session. The classes run at Broughton Astley Leisure Centre on Fridays at 1.15pm, Wednesdays at 11.1Oam and Wednesday at 12.15pm.

You can book directly by clicking the button below.

If you need advice or want some additional information please email us on info@baphysio.co.uk or call on 01455 285 949