Steroid Injections

Steroid Injections
Steroid injections are a valuable treatment option for individuals suffering from various injuries and conditions such as rotator cuff injuries, osteoarthritis, trigger finger or bursitis.
Corticosteroids are manufactured versions of hormones naturally produced by the adrenal glands. When corticosteroids are injected into a joint or muscle they can help relieve inflammation in a nearby part of the body, which can then reduce any pain and stiffness.
When steroids are given for the purpose of pain relief, they are often used in conjunction with a local anaesthetic called Lidocaine. This will provide immediate pain relief that lasts a few hours.
With their effectiveness and safety record, these injections have become a trusted treatment choice among professionals in the field.
Corticosteroid injections, in general, are well tolerated by the body and do not cause the typical side-effects seen by taking oral steroids, or anabolic steroids.
Our experience practitioners are trained to undertake steroid injections for shoulders, knees and trigger fingers. If you would like to know whether you would be suitable for a Steroid injection please call us on 01455285949.
Frequently asked questions
What is a steroid injection and when are they used by Physiotherapists?
A steroid injection is a treatment used to reduce pain and inflammation in a joint (e.g. knee joint) or around a particular soft tissue like a tendon. Although the injection will not treat the underlying cause of your symptoms, it may help to reduce pain temporarily to allow you to start or progress your rehabilitation. Physiotherapists use injections in combination with rehabilitation to help you return to activities you value and enjoy.
What drugs are used?
We use the most commonly used steroid drugs such as hydrocortisone. In addition, a local anaesthetic known as lidocaine is used.
Are Steroid injections painful?
The overwhelming majority of injections of either Ostenil or Steroid are not painful if done by a well trained injection therapist. There is of course the pain of the needle going into the skin but this is usually the only pain felt by the patient. This is usually to their surprise and most advise it was much less painful than they were anticipating.
Who will carry out my injection?
All Physiotherapists working in our injection clinics have received highly specialised Masters Level University training in Injection therapy.
How do I find out if I can have a steroid injection?
You will need to fill out a screening form relating to your medical history and current symptoms. If it is considered that a steroid injection may help, your case will be referred to a Physiotherapist who is professionally qualified to provide injections. If appropriate, an appointment will be made with this Physiotherapist and a steroid dose will be ordered for you.
During this appointment, the Physiotherapist will also explain the injection procedure in detail. The injection can then be given in the same appointment, but you will be asked to provide your consent by signing a consent form.
If a steroid injection is not right for you, or if the risks of you having it outweigh the benefits, the reasons will be explained to you, and you will be referred back to the person who referred you to the clinic. They will discuss the future management of your symptoms with you.
What will happen during my appointment?
If you have not been assessed for suitability this will be the first part of the appointment. We take a thorough history followed by a thorough examination. If you are suitable we will ask you to consent to the procedure.
If your prescription has not been requested, we will then proceed to request your prescription.
If we have your prescription in clinic, we will then carry out the injection and then reassess you to check for an immediate response.
We will then discuss whether you need a follow up appointment to check the response as well as provide you with appropriate rehabilitation exercises.
How much does it cost?
If we can carry out your injection your fee will be £275 in total.
If you are not able to have an injection, you will only be charged for the initial assessment which is £47.

Enquire Now
If you would like to arrange a telephone triage service first, please fill the form below and we will arrange for our Clinician to phone you back.